Langa Street Nursery

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Arrival & Collection of Children

A responsible adult should bring and collect your child each day. Please sign your child in and out of nursery on the daily register.

Please bring your child into the playroom on arrival where they will be welcomed by a member of our staff team. You are welcome to spend time with your child in the playroom and to take an interest in the activities going on. Staff are always happy to talk about your child’s day and let you know how they are doing. You are welcome to stay for a chat at the start of the session or to arrive a bit earlier at home time. A meeting can be arranged if you wish to discuss anything in more detail.

If you have children in two different playrooms, please drop off your older child first as our younger children can sometimes take a bit longer to feel settled on arrival. At home time, please collect your younger child first.

It is important that you collect your child on time as he/she will be waiting for you. If you are going to be late for any reason, please telephone to let us know, so that we can reassure your child and make arrangements for him/her.

We will ask for a list of people who will be allowed to collect your child.  Please tell us immediately if you are making any changes to this arrangement.  Parents should tell us a password to be used by collectors. 

We will not give your child to any person under the influence of alcohol or drugs; nor will we give your child to anyone under 16 years old unless we have your written permission.  We will contact you to make other arrangements for collection of your child if we have any concerns. We will follow Child Protection procedures when necessary.